The following is excerpted from the student-run Haldane school newspaper, “Haldane Central Flash” Vol. 1 No. 3, October, 27, 1938. Stay tuned to our next issue for the full story and for more excerpts from the Haldane student newspapers of yore.
By Jack Case
Magdalene Kieffer, that well known intellectual genius, recently condescended to allow one of Haldane’s Romeos to carry her books up the stairs for her. Who was it? A boy named Charlie. Know him?
Joe Lahey has evolved a new way to make sure his bookkeeping is right. He gets that helpful Senior, Annabelle, to help him. She is always willing to help everyone but especially Jo-Jo.
At the Brewster game the referee called offsides on Haldane. Alison turning to her pal, Edna, demanded indignantly, “How can they be off sides when they are way out in the middle of the field?”
Why does Jack Rose go to Peekskill so much?
Cora Bowman is gaining in stature. Exactly four inches since she got her new shoes with the high heels
One on me. Last Sunday evening coming home from New York on the train I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until Beacon came into sight. That is one way of keeping training.
Since the Junior Class started selling football players on pins all the girls have changed tactics. Instead of leading the players around on a string they pin them up on their coats.
Quite a few people from time to time have asked me what I am always saying when I want to show off my inadequate vocabulary. Here it is: Pugilistically inclined individuals who reside in transparent domiciles ought not to hurl geological specimens into the surrounding atmosphere. It sounds like more than it really is when you say it fast.
The date of our Waterloo, dear children, has been advanced. Quarterly tests which were scheduled for Nov. 7-10 have been postponed until Nov. 14-17.